Welcome to my sushi courses reviews page! I am thrilled to share with you some of the fantastic feedback that I have received from my clients.

I am incredibly pleased with the overwhelmingly positive responses that I have received from those who have attended my sushi workshops (online or live!). It is an honor to have such wonderful feedback and I am proud to share it with you.


Many of my clients have expressed their appreciation for my attention to detail and my ability to explain the sushi-making process in a clear and concise way. Others have commented on the delicious taste of the sushi and the high-quality ingredients that I use in all of my classes.

I truly love what I do and it brings me great joy to see how much my clients enjoy learning about sushi and experiencing it for themselves. Thank you to all of my clients who have taken the time to leave these wonderful reviews. Your kind words inspire me to continue sharing my passion for sushi with others.

If you’re thinking about joining one of my sushi courses, I invite you to read some of the reviews below and see what others have to say about their experience. I hope to see you soon!

Getting to experience a dinner from the School of Sushi's one and only sushi chef, Rik! The always creative and cheerful Rik spins one fantastically flavorful and colorful roll after another. One topped with green fish roe balls, another with mango cubes and then another with flambéed salmon on top.

Not only can he make the most delicious sushi rolls, but he can also teach you how to make it yourself at home through his online video course. No roll is the same and the flavors are very diverse and very creative.... why can I only give 5 stars?
Heldere uitleg en ik kon gelijk aan de slag. Trots op mijn eerste sushirol 🙂 - Ingeborg van Gerwen
Ingeborg Maas
In cooperation with Rik from the School of Sushi, the gentlemen of the club "Water and Friendship" got a real workshop "Sushi making" with me at restaurant the Mandarin in Nieuwkoop, the Netherlands. 🍣

Full of enthusiasm the men participated and before they knew it the first homemade California Rolls, Uramaki Tuna and Uramaki Salmon rolled out of the kitchen. This, of course, much to the delight of the whole group 😄 We had an incredibly enjoyable and educational evening thanks to Rik who introduced everyone to sushi making in a super fun way! Highly recommend a workshop 'Sushi making'!
Janny Man
Owner restaurant Mandarin
From this teacher you will learn the best and most refined sushi flavors in the world❣
Kim Rood - Review School of Sushi
Kim Rood
It was a great experience. The sushi chef was very passionate about his craft. He carefully and almost perfectly makes the sushi rolls. There is a finishing touch on each roll and has its own delicious taste experience. Very varied and unique sushi. This was a top night!
Cleo Strooker
School of sushi's sushi is a work of art in itself, you can taste the passion, drive, knowledge and imagination with which it is prepared. Taking a workshop from Rik is a high-class culinary feast!
Annemarie Sluiter
With his School of Sushi, Rik has made the Sushi hype accessible to everyone in a fun and understandable way!
John Westerlaken
Just the facts of learning how to properly cook the rice to taste is more than worth this flavorful course! The background info makes the whole thing a true "school. You can literally check out the art with these fun videos. Learning from master Rik just makes it all just that little bit tastier.
Rebecca de Ruiter
Very happy with this course! In an easy to follow way it explains how to make sushi. Really very easy to do. Highly recommended!!!
Sandra Lamfers
Rik's sushi is phenomenal. He has come up with super delicious combinations and it is truly an explosion of flavor in the mouth. We are used to a lot when it comes to sushi, but Rik is the best!
Nicolai Kippersluis
Wow, 8 lessons for free! And the follow-up course is so comprehensive. Everything is explained and demonstrated very clearly in steps. The videos are also accompanied by great descriptions. Rik from School of Sushi shares his secrets, tips & tricks. Delicious sushi for yourself or your guests guaranteed. Highly recommended!
Saskia Verhaeren
What a wonderful and clear website about Sushi, in addition I am more than satisfied with the course you can take. Valuable and above all delicious! I can recommend it to everyone.
Jeroen Mannak
This course is very complete and tells everything you need to know about making sushi. Thanks for the many tips!
Awsome and nice to see all these great ideas for Sushi! Great school and nice host;-)
Serge Vonk
What a fine course to take. Clear explanation about sushi and what you need to make it.
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